Call for Papers: Global Europe. Connecting European History (17th to 21st Century)

6th GRAINES summer school, Sciences Po Reims, June, 6-8 2018

The rapid development of global history in the last twenty years has undoubtedly opened historiography to less known parts of world history leading to the call for a General “provincialization” of Europe in a global context (Chakrabarty). However, many studies that were conducted in this perspective perpetuated (and continue to do so) traditional visions of Europe and its history that conceptualized the continent as a more or less homogeneous cultural entity clearly distinguished from others, i.e. non-European cultures or civilisations. The same binary vision that sharply divides Europe from the non-European world underpins many classical studies in the field of Imperial history and even some works claiming to write in the vein of “post-colonial” perspectives. Numerous studies, however, have shown how problematic the assumption of such clear-cut distinctions are, not only when looking to the so-called European “peripheries” like the Ottoman or the Russian Empires or to “third spaces” of mixed cultures (Homi Bhabha) that flourished in colonial towns, but also with regard of the “core” of what has been defined as “European culture”. Indeed, migration and circulatory processes have always been a part of the continent’s culture(s) thus influencing, for instance, as Kapil Raj has shown the construction of what has been called “European sciences”. In this vein, rising up to the challenge of global history means to fully develop an entangled or connected history of Europe that also tracks down the hybrid forms of culture within European societies and cultures.

Based on this broad approach the GRAINES summer school 2018 will take a closer look at the multiple and multi-directional entanglements that shaped Europe and its cultures from the 17th to the 21st century. We will focus on various fields of studies, from the history of “peripheries” like the Mediterranean Sea, the Ottoman or Russian Empire to the new imperial/colonial history or the history of non-European-European encounters that took place within European societies. Questions we seek to address include: How did historical actors in these different situations and settings debated about Europe and its identity? What kind of stereotypes and visions of “civilizational” standards and hierarchies were mobilized? What kind of circulatory regimes and power relations characterized different periods of global transfer of people, objects, and knowledge? How did the latter shape Europe’s inner divisions and hierarchies? How did national rivalries and regional specificities influence the broader global connections of Europe?

During our seminars, reading groups, and lectures we will discuss the conceptual challenge that such a connected history means for the writing of “European history” and how the questions posed by the introduction of a global perspective can be answered from various disciplinary and methodological standpoints.

The summer school is organised by the Centre d’Histoire de Sciences Po Paris in Cooperation with the Graduate Interdisciplinary Network for European Studies GRAINES. The program includes reading and discussion groups, lectures and excursions, as well as room for the presentation and discussion of student projects. While the summer school will have a distinct interdisciplinary and trans-epochal character, potential participants should demonstrate historical awareness and general interest in history. We invite postgraduate students from a broad range of theoretical perspectives and disciplines to submit their project proposals to the organisers.

The working language of the summer school is English.
Inscription fee: 100 Euros
Accommodation costs will be covered, a limited number of travel bursaries may be available.
To apply, please send your project proposal of maximum 1000 words and a one-page CV by 14 April 2016 to Thomas Gauchet (Sciences Po Paris) :

Summer school organized by:
Thomas Gauchet, Giacomo Parrinello, Jakob Vogel (Centre d’Histoire, Sciences Po Paris) in cooperation with the partners of the Graduate Interdisciplinary Network for European Studies GRAINES
For further information on the summer school and GRAINES see
Co-financé dans le cadre du PFR « Europe : une histoire globale (XVIIIe-XIXe siècle) » du CIERA, Paris.

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Fabian Klose (April 4, 2018). Call for Papers: Global Europe. Connecting European History (17th to 21st Century). Europe Across Borders. Retrieved September 18, 2024 from

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